Banner advertising on the Internet reaches out to millions of people across the globe. It plays a very important role in attracting traffic to your website, and both individuals as well as companies, can make lots of money by using this ingenuous advertising technique. Many companies have confessed to make huge amounts of money, while many others don't really know what to do with it. With banner advertising, you can't just sit in front of your computer waiting for visitors to visit your site. And you can't just use some other company's marketing strategies to succeed. And lastly, if you think banner advertising is not worth it, as it is too expensive, then you are wrong. The following tips will help you with banner advertising. With these tips, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of generating greater amounts of web traffic: If you want your ad to be seen by a targeted audience, then you must make sure that the title and the topic are really eye catching. You have to...